Backpacks: Large enough to hold a 9x12 inch folder. No wheels since we have narrow lockers.
Extra Clothes: Encourage an extra set of clothes in event they get dirty (paint, markers, spilled drink, etc.) Please include shirt, pants, socks, and underwear.
Tennis Shoes: Wear closed-toed shoes on PE days or keep extra pair in their locker
Snacks: Are easy to eat with fingers, no utensils, and are not messy. No juice puches or gatorade.
Cafeteria Tips:
There are several snack items students may purchase that are not part of the breakfast/lunch meal and have extra associated costs. These items range in price from $0.65 to $3.00. Please have a conversation about what they are allowed to buy. There are many choices and they will fill up on snacks if not careful. If you would like to limit the amount your child is able to spend out of their account, please visit the Child Nutrition Services Website.
For Younger Students:
Easy to open containers.
For the first couple of weeks, lunch will go faster than students realize. It will get better after a couple of weeks when they get used to the schedule.
It is typical they will come home with uneaten or unopened food.
Make sure they know what they are allowed to trash.
Practice eating out of a lunchbox at home and opening items.
Lost & Found:
Label your students' lunch boxes, water bottles, jackets, etc. Our lost and found is located in the cafeteria.